X11 - определение. Что такое X11
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Что (кто) такое X11 - определение

X Windows; X-windows; X-Windows; X11; X-Window; XWin; X windows; XWindow; X window system; X Window system; Xwindows; X Windowing System; X Window; X11R4; X11R5; X11R6; X11 server; XWindows; X Window desktop; Xterminal; X11R7; X-based; X-Window System; X11 Window System; X11R7.1; X-server; Xwin; X servers; X (window system); X window; X-window; X Consortium; MIT X Consortium; X-Consortium; Xdialog; XWS; X-Server; Draft:X Window System; User:Gimhan Mihiranga/sandbox
  • [[Common Desktop Environment]]
  • [[GNOME]] graphical user interface
  • X11R1 running on a Sun machine
  • Example of tunnelling an X11 application over SSH
  • [[Xfce]] graphical user interface
  • Simple example: the X server receives input from a local keyboard and mouse and displays to a screen. A web browser and a terminal emulator run on the user's workstation and a terminal emulator runs on a remote computer but is controlled and monitored from the user's machine
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X window System version 11 (Reference: X-Windows)
X Window System         
<operating system, graphics> A specification for device-independent windowing operations on bitmap display devices, developed initially by MIT's Project Athena and now a de facto standard supported by the X Consortium. X was named after an earlier window system called "W". It is a window system called "X", not a system called "X Windows". X uses a client-server protocol, the X protocol. The server is the computer or X terminal with the screen, keyboard, mouse and server program and the clients are application programs. Clients may run on the same computer as the server or on a different computer, communicating over Ethernet via TCP/IP protocols. This is confusing because X clients often run on what people usually think of as their server (e.g. a file server) but in X, it is the screen and keyboard etc. which is being "served out" to the applications. X is used on many Unix systems. It has also been described as over-sized, over-featured, over-engineered and incredibly over-complicated. X11R6 (version 11, release 6) was released in May 1994. http://x.org/. See also Andrew project, PEX, VNC, XFree86. Usenet newsgroups: news:comp.windows.x, news:comp.x, news:comp.windows.x.apps, news:comp.windows.x.intrinsics, news:comp.windows.x.announce, news:comp.sources.x, news:comp.windows.x.motif, news:comp.windows.x.pex. (1999-04-02)
<spelling> A common misnomer for the X Window System. (1997-06-10)
Version 11 release 4 of the X protocol. See {X Window System}.
Version 11 release 5 of the X protocol. Released in June 1994. See X Window System.
<operating system> Version 11 release 6 of the {X Window System}. [Release date?] (1995-01-20)
X Consortium         
A vendor consortium supporting development, evolution and maintenance of the X Window System. The X Consortium is an independent, not-for-profit company. It was formed in 1993 as the successor to the MIT X Consortium, a research group of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science. ftp://ftp.x.org. http://x.org/. [Members?]
X11 color names         
X11 Color Names; Rgb.txt; X11 colour names; X11 colors; Darkslategray; YellowGreen; Whitesmoke; White Smoke; WhiteSmoke; Steelblue; SteelBlue; Springgreen; SpringGreen; AliceBlue; Lightslategrey; Light Slate Grey; LightSlateGrey; Darkslategrey; Dark Slate Grey; DarkSlateGrey; Slate Blue; SlateBlue; SkyBlue; Seagreen; SeaGreen; Sandybrown; SandyBrown; Saddlebrown; SaddleBrown; Royalblue; RoyalBlue; Rosybrown; Rosy Brown; RosyBrown; Powderblue; PowderBlue; Peachpuff; Peach Puff; PeachPuff; Papayawhip; PapayaWhip; Palevioletred; Paleturquoise; Palegoldenrod; Pale Violet Red; Pale Turquoise; Pale Goldenrod; PaleVioletRed; PaleTurquoise; PaleGreen; PaleGoldenrod; OliveDrab; Oldlace; OldLace; Navajowhite; Navajo White; NavajoWhite; Mistyrose; Misty Rose; MistyRose; Mintcream; MintCream; Mediumvioletred; DarkCyan; DarkGoldenrod; DarkKhaki; DarkMagenta; DarkOliveGreen; DarkOrange; DarkOrchid; DarkSalmon; DarkSeaGreen; DarkSlateBlue; DarkSlateGray; DarkTurquoise; DarkViolet; Dark Cyan; Dark Goldenrod; Dark Khaki; Dark Magenta; Dark Olive Green; Dark Orchid; Dark Sea Green; Dark Slate Blue; Dark Slate Gray; Dark Turquoise; Dark Violet; Darkcyan; Darkgoldenrod; Darkkhaki; Darkmagenta; Darkolivegreen; Darkorange; Darkorchid; Darksalmon; Darkseagreen; Darkslateblue; Darkturquoise; Darkviolet; DeepPink; DeepSkyBlue; Deep Pink; Deeppink; Deepskyblue; Dodgerblue; FireBrick; Fire Brick; FloralWhite; Floral White; Floralwhite; ForestGreen; GhostWhite; Ghostwhite; GreenYellow (colour); Green Yellow; LavenderBlush; Lavenderblush; LawnGreen; Lawn Green; Lawngreen; LemonChiffon; LightCoral; LightCyan; LightGoldenrodYellow; LightGreen; LightPink; LightSalmon; LightSeaGreen; LightSkyBlue; LightSlateGray; LightSteelBlue; LightYellow; Light Cyan; Light Goldenrod Yellow; Light Green; Light Pink; Light Salmon; Light Sea Green; Light Slate Gray; Light Steel Blue; Light Yellow; Lightcoral; Lightcyan; Lightgoldenrodyellow; Lightgreen; Lightpink; Lightsalmon; Lightseagreen; Lightskyblue; Lightslategray; Lightsteelblue; Lightyellow; LimeGreen; Limegreen; MediumAquamarine; MediumBlue; MediumOrchid; MediumPurple; MediumSeaGreen; MediumSlateBlue; MediumSpringGreen; MediumTurquoise; MediumVioletRed; Medium Orchid; Medium Purple; Medium Sea Green; Medium Slate Blue; Medium Spring Green; Medium Turquoise; Medium Violet Red; Mediumaquamarine; Mediumblue; Mediumorchid; Mediumpurple; Mediumseagreen; Mediumslateblue; Mediumspringgreen; Mediumturquoise; Burlywood; Burly Wood; BurlyWood; Blueviolet; Blue Violet; BlueViolet; Blanchedalmond; Blanched Almond; BlanchedAlmond; Antiquewhite; AntiqueWhite; Aliceblue; X11's color names; Slate Blue (color); X11 colours; X11 color; Slate blue; X11 colour; X11 color name; Rosy brown
In computing, on the X Window System, X11 color names are represented in a simple text file, which maps certain strings to RGB color values. It was traditionally shipped with every X11 installation, hence the name, and is usually located in /lib/X11/rgb.
APBA1 (gene)
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the APBA1 gene.
Openwindows; Open Windows; Xnews (X11 server)
<operating system> A graphical user interface server for Sun workstations which handles SunView, NeWS and {X Window System} protocols. (1995-06-11)


X Window System

The X Window System (X11, or simply X) is a windowing system for bitmap displays, common on Unix-like operating systems.

X provides the basic framework for a GUI environment: drawing and moving windows on the display device and interacting with a mouse and keyboard. X does not mandate the user interface – this is handled by individual programs. As such, the visual styling of X-based environments varies greatly; different programs may present radically different interfaces.

X originated as part of Project Athena at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1984. The X protocol has been at version 11 (hence "X11") since September 1987. The X.Org Foundation leads the X project, with the current reference implementation, X.Org Server, available as free and open-source software under the MIT License and similar permissive licenses.